You can download the app in the official Samsung Apps Store (Video category) in your country.
If there is no app in your country, try signing up in any other country’s Smart TV Services and download the app from there by using the following guides, there is no need to activate the app again:
You can also manually install the app by using the following options:
Tizen TVs (J/K/M/N/R):
Extract the contents of the following Tizen Widget Archive file to the root of the USB drive and insert it to your TV’s USB slot. Make sure the userwidget directory is located in the root of your USB drive.
You have 7 days to try out the application with your stream sources.
New TVs can be activated after one time payment. Click here for detailed info.
Important! The application works only on TVs starting from E series. It doesn’t work on C or D series TVs.
Foreword: The application itself does not include any channels, it is only an IPTV/OTT streams player.
By default, there is already a test playlist for you to check how the App works. After that, you can load your own IPTV playlist by following these instructions.
Press RED button, select the language, press OK to set the language, press OK (RED, Back) again to hide the window.
Press AD/SUBT button, select the language, press OK to set the language, press (AD/SUBT, Back) again to hide the window.
It’s possibile to set buffer size in app’s settings for your streams in case you have frequent buffering problems. It is not guaranteed that it will help your slow connection or providers’ stream issue.
Set the buffer size back to Auto to use default Samsung buffer size.
You can try using User-agent property in your playlist if your provider requires it. See examples below.
M3U | TXT |
Usage | |
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0 user-agent=“Star Wars”,My Channel http://channel.URL #EXTINF:0,My Channel | epgCode,Channel Name,http://channel.URL|User-agent=Star Wars epgCode,Channel Name,http://channel.URL|user-agent:Star Wars |
Examples | |
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:0 user-agent=“Star Wars”,Brodilo TV #EXTINF:0,Brodilo TV | brodilo,Brodilo TV,|User-agent=Star Wars brodilo,Brodilo TV,|user-agent:Star Wars |
You can lock your MAC address in application settings by using the Lock MAC button to avoid your playlist being reset by somebody else or if you shared your MAC address with some third party.
If you want to remove the PIN, just use 0000 when locking MAC address again.
Note: This feature will be added to other TV models with next application updates.